ICOM International Committee for Collecting

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décembre 28, 2018

[Translate to Français:] Annual Report Queering Collections 2016 now available

[Translate to Français:] In 2015 COMCOL co-organized together with IHLIA a Dutch organization for collecting and preserving LGBT heritage, the Reinwardt Academy and The Amsterdam Museum, a symposium called ‘Queering the Collections’. It was the start of an exciting conversation about queering collection with a wide range of museums and archives not only in the Netherlands but also cross the borders. 

On June 16th the symposium The Art of Queering took place, on the importance of art around LGBTQI themes in the public domain. Not as stereotypes, but as a tool to denounce the suppression of sexual identity and gender – even in art. During this afternoon the annual report was distributed. You can download the English version here
