mai 10, 2021
Series Global Conversations on the Return of Cultural Heritage

Join Indigenous experts, museum professionals, and human rights specialists from across the globe for a series of conversations regarding repatriation and the return of cultural heritage. One year ago, the University of British Columbia (UBC) hosted an expert seminar to support the work of the United Nations Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples’ (EMRIP) in drafting a report on the repatriation of ceremonial objects, human remains, and the intangible heritage of Indigenous peoples. EMRIP’s report was adopted by the United Nations Human Rights Council October 2020. Based on the report’s recommendations, this series will encourage dialogues amongst participants and foster communities of professional practice across the globe.
Registration is required for each session. Content will also be made available through open-source publications and other forms of dissemination after the series is completed.
Setting the Foundation
Thursday, April 29 – 12:00 PT/14:00 CT/15:00 ET/9:00 NZDT+1
Register at
This conversation will consider how things have changed since the expert seminar, the progress that has been made, and what remains to be done.
Panelists: Sheryl Lightfoot, University of British Columbia (Canada), Sue Rowley, Museum of Anthropology at the University of British Columbia (Canada), Te Herekiekie Herewini, The Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa (New Zealand)
Moderator: Armando Perla (Canada/El Salvador)
Indigenous Led Initiatives
Thursday May 13 – 10:00 PT/12:00 CT/13:00 ET/15:00 BRT/19:00 CET
Register at
Indigenous experts will discuss repatriation initiatives led by Indigenous peoples on three continents, which include the development of repatriation guides, ethical guidelines, and community advocacy.
Panelists: Lucy Bell, Haida Nation (Canada), Amy Lonetree, Ho-Chunk Nation and UC Santa Cruz (U.S.), Lis-Mari Hjortfors, Sami Parliament (Sweden) Árran Lulesami Museum (Norway)
Moderator: Tricia Logan (Canada)
Museum Dialogues
Thursday May 27 – 9:00 PT/11:00 CT/12:00 ET/18:00 CET/19 :00 EAT
Register at
This conversation will focus on the transcontinental dialogues within museums and between museums and communities to ensure the return of tangible and intangible heritage to the places and communities where they belong.
Panelists: Adriana Munoz, Museum of World Culture (Sweden), Anabela Carlon Flores, Yaqui People (Mex ico); Purity Kiura, National Museum of Kenya (Kenya); Steve Nash, Denver Museum of Nature and Science (U.S.)
Moderator: Brooke Morgan (U.S.)
Moving Forward Together
Thursday June 10 – 12:00 PT/14:00 CT/15:00 ET/21:00 CET/22:00 SAST/9:00 NZDT+1
Register at
This conversation will summarize previous panels and explore actions that can strengthen the work that has been done until now.
Panelists: Brandie Macdonald, Museum of Us (U.S.); Te Arikirangi Mamaku, The Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa (New Zealand); George Abungu,
International Standing Committee on the Traffic of Illicit Antiquities and Okello Abungu Heritage Consultants (Kenya); Deirdre Prins-Solani, Independent expert on Intangible Heritage (South Africa)
Moderator: Cinnamon Catlin-Legutko (U.S.)
Please find attached the GlobalConversations2021 with the complete program and registration links for the different dates. Participation is free of charge.