ICOM International Committee for Collecting

All news

August 5, 2024

ICOM Award: Candidates Call for Applications

Informations en Français: Prix-ICOM_Presentation // Informaciones en Español: Premio-ICOM_Presentacion // Information in English: ICOM_Award_presentationEN


Dear Members and Friends,

ICOM launched a call for projects for the ICOM Award. This groundbreaking initiative seeks to spotlight and celebrate innovative initiatives and exemplary practices that contribute significantly to sustainable development within the museum sector.

If your museum has successfully implemented sustainable development actions and completed the project, ICOM wants to hear from you!

  • Submissions will be judged based on the impact created by the project. Initiatives should demonstrate clear results, outcomes,or impact.
  • ICOM is looking for a diverse range of submissions, from different museum types, addressing different sustainable development challenges.
  • Submissions are especially encouraged from small museums, small projects, and those that have pushed the boundaries of ‘standard’ museum practice.
  • Deadline for submission: 31 October 2024

Here is an overview of the process: click on the image to reach the official website, read about the steps to take and download all the necessary documents to apply!

ICOM Award: StepsNote: you will need an Endorsement Letter from an ICOM Entity. If you wish to receive one from COMCOL please read the modalities on the Award’s website and get in touch with our Chair Danielle Kuijten:

Good Luck!

