Board members 2022-2025


Danielle Kuijten
Director | Co-curator, Imagine IC
Bijlmerplein 393, 1102 DK
Amsterdam, The Netherlands


Brandie Macdonald
Executive Director of the Indiana University Museum of Archeology and Anthropology,
Bloomington, Indiana, USA


Leen Beyers
Curator and head of research
MAS, Antwerpen, Belgium

Board Members

Njabulo Chipangura: Curator of living Cultures, University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Nara Galvão: Director Instituto Rocardi Brennand, Recife, Brasil
Ying-Ying Lai: Professor, Graduate School of Arts Management and Cultural Policy, National Taiwan University of Arts, Taiwan
Sandra Vacca:Project Manager “DOMiDLabs: Making Museum Design Participatory” at DOMiD e.V.– Documentation Centre and Museum of Migration in Germany, Cologne, Germany

Affiliated Board Members 

Alexandra Bounia: Professor of Museology – University of the Aegean, Greece
Dr. Alina Gromova: Leiterin des Bereichs Sammlungen und Ausstellungen, Centrum Judaicum, Berlin, Germany

Young Board Members

Florencia Croizet: Development at Museo Evita and Freelancer cultural projects, Argentina
Ya-Hsuan (Chelsea) Wang:  Research Assistant at National Museum of History, Taiwan