December 28, 2018
November News Highlights

Those of us who participated in COMCOL’s conference in Seoul in October were highly rewarded, sharing the professional outcome of the lectures and discussions, the hospitality of the National Folk Museum of Korea and the exciting post-conference experiences of the museums and the beautiful landscape of Yeongwol. Check our COMCOL Facebook for pictures!
With this news message we would like to inform, ask and remind you that:
- COMCOL Annual Conference and Meeting 2016 will take place in Milan, Italy, in conjunction with ICOM’s General Conference 3-9 July. COMCOL’s own conference will be organized in partnership with ICFA (International Committee for Museums and Collections of Fine Art) and will start with a pre-conference meeting from 30 June. Look out for the call for papers in January!
- At the annual meeting 2016, a new COMCOL board shall be elected for the next triennium. Information about the election process and the call for nominations will be issued in February. So please start already now to think of how you as a board member could contribute to developing the work of COMCOL! Please find here the amended internal rules that were adopted at the annual meeting in Seoul 28 October.
- The online registration for ICOM Milan 2016 is open. Please observe the early-bird registration rate until 28 January. Registration form, rates, and deadlines can be found here.
- The deadline for applications re. ICOM Travel Grant Program for young members is 14 December. Please log in on ICOMMUNITY (ICOMMUNITY member access, upper right corner). The Criteria and Application form are available online. Young members (aged 35 or under on 31 December 2016) who are interested in applying for taking part in COMCOL’s annual conference 2016, please inform COMCOL chair as soon as possible for the application process.
A final note from our editorial team, we would love to hear about any interesting activities and publications 2015 that are connected with/promote COMCOL and would be of interest to include in our annual report to ICOM. Please report this as soon as you can – and contact Eva Fagerborg if you have any questions.