Living Collections, Living Communities – Conference Proceedings 2023

Conference Proceedings
Living Collections,Living Communities
Contemporary Practices of Care in Collecting

In 2023, COMCOL  joined forces with the Chinese Association of Museums (CAM) and National Taiwan Museum in Taiwan to organise its 13th annual conference. “Living Collections,Living Communities” focused on contemporary practices of care in collecting (see the Call for Papers). In the wake of the adoption of the new museum definition at the ICOM General Conference in August 2022, the conference explored how we can look at the new aspects that were added to it, emphasizing the social role of the museum, but also its involvement in and with diverse societies. The new ICOM definition is both a recognition of existing practices as well as opening new avenues. What does it mean for the act of collecting, but also for the ways collections are dealt with?

To find the proceedings of the conference, please follow this link.